Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Fredy Family

Here is the first of my California sessions! I LOVE shooting in this area....I dream of someday having a giant oak tree in my yard! I was so happy to work with Aimee and her cute family. We had so much fun exploring old barns and getting chased by wild horses:) Aimee knew my vision and picked the absolute perfect location!
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the end.


  1. so pretty... the pic of the 2 little kids reminded me of a story...

  2. these are simply amazing! i love the use of natural light and that tree is amazing!! LOVE her boots!

  3. I LOVE THEM SHEENA! Thank you so much! I am so glad the ranch worked out! :-)

    @the Webbs - here's a link for the boots. They were only $40!


  4. Absolutely beautiful! I'm jumping out of my skin to see mine!

  5. I love these! Such a beautiful setting and even more beautiful family :-)

  6. love the location! these turned out fantastical!
