Thursday, November 17, 2011

torrey and aaron are married!

aka, the longest blog post in the entire world.

Torrey and Aaron were married on a perfect fall day in Smartsville, California.
I was so happy to be a part of it--I loved everything about the day, from the location (beautiful!) to the simple details (perfect! Torrey worked so hard) and of course the couple (supermodels....and so much fun!) It was a party from start to finish, and it's always fun working with Ryan Southwell and Judd Rackham. 
Here are all 1,000 photos. ...enjoy!
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the end.


  1. beautiful photographs :) I love the ones in the fields.

  2. Wow. Gorgeous! I love all 1,000 of them!

  3. Of course you have an awesome photo blog. Not surprised at all.

  4. some photos are so beautiful they just have to be long posts. well done, sheena! as always :)

  5. WOW - can I say more!??!

